Poppy Time




Online Crossword
The Poppy and Remembrance


An interactive 20-clue crossword on the use of the poppy to remember fallen soldiers in several countries, where the days of commemoration are Remembrance Day, Veterans Day and Anzac Day.

A printable version of this crossword is available on another page of the Poppy Time website.







Red poppies blanketed many parts of the Western European battlefields soon after the fighting in World War 1 ended. In remembering their fellow soldiers who had been killed, many soldiers liked to think of the blood-red poppies as having grown out of the blood of their mates that had soaked into the ground.

To read more about the history of the poppy in remembering fallen soldiers, see our page The poppy and remembrance. To make a red poppy, see our Poppy-making activities page.



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Last updated October 30 2014



Red poppy. To Poppy Time main page.

See our Remembrance Day and Veterans Day