Poppy Time



The poppy and remembrance

Poppies and the commemorations on Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Armistice Day and Anzac Day when we pause to remember those who lost their lives in war.

Pigeon holding poppy (Image: awm.gov.au)SPECIAL STORY 2019
Pigeon poppy thief
The pigeon who stole from the tomb of the unknown soldier





General information

Poppy - symbolism (Wikipedia)
Remembrance Day (Wikipedia)
Armistice Day (Wikipedia)
- How Remembrance Day began



Veterans Day (Wikipedia)
Veterans Day - Teacher Resources (teachervision.com)
Memorial Day (Wikipedia)
Memorial Day (usmemorialday.org)
Memorial Day Teacher Resources (teachervision.com)
Memorial Day vs. Veterans Day. What's the difference? (rd.com)


The Poppy Campaign (Royal Canadian Legion)
Teachers Guide to Remembrance [pdf] (Royal Canadian Legion)
The Poppy, Symbol of Remembrance (Canadian War Museum)
A Day of Remembrance (Veterans Affairs Canada)
Remembrance Resources (Veterans Affairs Canada)
- see table of contents at right of page

United Kingdom

Remembrance Day in Britain (Project Britain)
Do's and don'ts of poppy etiquette (BBC)
Remembrance Day (activityvillage.co.uk)
- explanation of Remembrance Day and why the poppy is used
Royal British Legion: Poppy Appeal (Wikipedia)
Poems for Remembrance Day  (Project Britain)


Red poppies (Australian War Memorial)
The Poppy is for Sacrifice (anzacday.org.au)
The Red Poppy (airforce.gov.au)

New Zealand

Remembrance - Poppy Day and Poppy Appeal in New Zealand (RSA - Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association). Scroll down.
The Red Poppy (New Zealand History Online)

OTHER COUNTRIES For information about other countries that hold a day of remembrance, see Remembrance Day (Wikipedia)





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Last updated Apr 23 2022


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See our Remembrance Day and Veterans Day